Research is done by following these approaches to find alpha systematically.

  1. Tracking various lists of Twitter accounts and proactively check their feeds (don’t rely on Twitter timeline)
  2. Tracking recent tweets from various Twitter accounts using Tweetdeck
  3. Tracking Medium, Substack & other news platforms for industry updates
  4. Tracking newly created pools
  5. Tracking Twitter hashtag/cashtag baselines & deviations
  6. Tracking funding rates & open interest using and
  7. Tracking various onchain/ecosystem metrics using
  8. Tracking & analyze newly listed projects on CG and CMC
  9. Tracking onchain “rich” wallet activity (token buys & sells)
  10. Tracking supply emission schedules of projects
  11. Tracking mcap, holders, TVL, fees/revenue, PE ratios using